All the bugs from the Previous version have been removed.
HMP is a unique program for sending e-mails. The program provides safe, easy and fast way for direct mailing. It saves your time (i.e. money) by sending several messages simultaneously. HMP is a powerful tool for personalized mass mailing. Read on to understand the advantages of using HMP:
Fast delivery:
Being an e-mail user you have to use SMTP Mail Server to send messages. SMTP servers usually provide slower connection comparing other Internet services. HMP allows you to deliver e-mail messages directly to recipients' mailboxes without using third-party mail servers. Moreover, normally sending 10 messages you have to wait 10 times more than when sending 10 messages using HMP. HMP ensures 100% usage of your modem capabilities by establishing multiple connections. Ordinary e-mail clients at the same time utilize less than 50% of available modem bandwidth.
Secured delivery:
Hashmail Pro delivers e-mail without using your ISP resources. Sending the mail directly to recipient you exclude other Internet nodes from delivery route. Thus, nobody except the recipient can read the message. The messages do not go through your ISP mailing system;
they are not logged there and cannot be stored. Therefore, HMP guarantees that only you and your recipients will read the message.
Managed delivery:
Using HMP you can control the entire process of mailing. You can start sending e-mail at any time you like, stop it whenever you want to and resume later.All outgoing messages can be personalized for each recipient automatically by using macros.